Aggiornamenti flash al 1 aprile 2020
Sull’ Art. 91 del Cura Italia In aggiornamento a quanto precedentemente esposto con riferimento all’analisi dell’art. 91 del D.L. n. 18 …
Sull’ Art. 91 del Cura Italia In aggiornamento a quanto precedentemente esposto con riferimento all’analisi dell’art. 91 del D.L. n. 18 …
Since 10 March 2020 the movement of natural persons on the territory of the State has been restricted except if needed …
Force majeure Does my contract contain a Force Majeure clause? Most international contracts contain a so called Force Majeure clause, i.e. …
Yes. The COVID-19 is a pandemic also from a legal perspective and therefore constitutes a force majeure reason. Although the Italian …
Covid 19: in the complex balance between health protection and retail, the Government introduces the “droplet rule” in certain Italian regions. …
On 21 February, Giulia Comparini will teach at the course “INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS AND INCOTERMS® 2020: GUIDELINES FOR OPERATING ABROAD”. The course …
Eva Knickenberg-Giardina, Irene Grassi and Paola della Campa join the team of Cocuzza & Associati. “We add a fundamental element to …