Administrative Law
We provide legal advice and counseling services in administrative law, with a focus on urban planning, construction, and the regulation of business and service activities.
With regard to the administrative aspects of commercial and service activities, we support operators in defining their development strategies and analyzing urban planning/commercial feasibility. In addition, we provide assistance with procedures to obtain the commercial, building, and other administrative permits necessary to carry out interventions and to establish, operate, and possibly modify activities.
With regard to public tenders, we assist clients in preparing for bidding, managing the process, and fulfilling the contract.
Over the years, we have also become a point of reference for public bodies on legal-administrative issues related to business and production activities in general, as well as urban planning and construction.
With respect to out-of-court services, we offer comprehensive assistance for private individuals in urban planning and construction procedures to develop and recover assets, and in managing relations with the public entities involved, up to the conclusion of the administrative process and subsequent interventions.
Our expertise also extends to administrative and accounting litigation. We represent private parties and public entities, with particular reference to regulations on trade, urban planning, construction, and public contracts.
Team: Administrative Law