Our integrated, multidisciplinary approach and continuous updating with respect to industry developments enable us to offer added value in legal advice on regulatory issues, combining technical expertise and knowledge of applicable practices.
With the experience gained by some of our professionals, even through previous experience as in-house counsel, we offer fast, accurate, and effective analysis. In particular, we intervene in relations with supervisory authorities, public contracts involving health care services, the supply of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, relations with the National Health Service both nationally and locally, intellectual property, competition law, commercial and R&D agreements, and the management of corporate integrity issues and compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 231.
We also provide assistance with in- and out of-court matters for banking, financial and insurance intermediaries, investment firms, insurance companies, savings management companies, and other regulated entities, both Italian and foreign.
Our multidisciplinary expertise also enables us to provide support in M&A transactions involving regulatory aspects.
With respect to life sciences, we offer dedicated support to national and international clients operating in both human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices, and food. Our advice focuses primarily on regulatory aspects, public contracts related to health services, supply of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, relations with the National Health Service both nationally and locally, and related litigation, particularly with regard to product liability.
Team: Regulatory